logicdelivery 3 automated logistics 1deliverybox 3d 67 world pin network connectionresearchadd to cart 2statisticspulselocktranslationcircle 03 circle 03 1 blockchaincheck list optionsmoney transferresize hresize vsendruler pencil cart add 9 filter organization window paragraph window paragraph 1 filter organization 1 cloud download 95 file download 94file upload 93cloud upload 96 floppy disk e remove i deletee add checkcalculator folder chart piedecision processedit curvesinput recipe bullet list 69 eye recognitionpreviewmovienav leftnav rightbutton playbutton pausecheck double pindata download zoom folder chart pie 2 folder chart barleavelogout small upsmall downe remove 2 i remove edit curves 2button pause 2 robotic armsend to phonei add e add 2 redo 79 layoutd editdata upload bin c warningc warning 2 t warningfolder starfolder editfolder checkpen 01 replysingle folded folder 18floppy disk 2social sharing fav list shape stardots dots 2 c infoengine arrow right rotate 23 stopwatch split round separate round leaf draganddropsmalldraganddroplargeb previewfeedback ic keyboard return 48px circle 03 filtercircle 03 2 direction edirection warrow left math n check homehouse pricingsingle copy 04 c info 2stack 1 b chartdata download 2customer support log out menu 8 tree 02 pointing right pointing left triangle rightbutton stopbutton pause 3c check c check 2 c warning 3c warning 4like edit curves 2 glyphstackstack glyphmenu 8 glyphlayout glyphbullet list 69 glyphb chart glyphedit curves glyphd edit glyphinput glyphmovie glyphdecision process glyphlog in emailemail glyphlike glyphSalesforceSalesforce glyphweb hyperlinkrefresh 01 ladybug bulb 63 b meeting question marknoun cadapps
image/svg+xml +X +Z +Y x_achse z_achse2_xyz y_achse z_achse image/svg+xml +X +Z +Y image/svg+xml +Z +Y x_achse z_achse2_yz y_achse z_achse image/svg+xml +X +Z z_achse2_xz z_achse image/svg+xml +X +Z +Y image/svg+xml +X +Z +Y image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml x_achse z_achse2_xyz y_achse z_achse image/svg+xml x_achse z_achse2_xyz y_achse z_achse image/svg+xml z_achse2_xz z_achse image/svg+xml z_achse2_xz z_achse image/svg+xml x_achse z_achse2_yz y_achse z_achse image/svg+xml x_achse z_achse2_yz y_achse z_achse
Handling system
X-/Y-Axis [mm]
Y-Axis [mm]
Z-Axis [mm]
Payload [g]
Mass of workpiece [g]
Mass of own extensions [g]
Ambient temperature [°C]
Time [s]
Cycles per minute
Duration of interaction [s]
Energy costs
Operating time per day [h]
Operating days per year [d]
Price per kWh [€]
Product Finder